This exceptional book titled “The Rise Of The Quakers,” written by T. Edmund Harvey, is a first-edition hardcover published by Headley Bros in London in 1905. It is part of the Eras Of Nonconformity Series and intended for young adults and adults. The narrative is nonfiction and explores the topic of Quakers, their beliefs, and their history. The book is in good condition and has special attributes of being a first-edition original, making it a valuable addition to any book collection. The binding is hardcover, and the book has been well preserved over the years. It is a must-read for anyone interested in religious and spiritual topics or the history of the Quakers.
"The Rise Of The Quakers" Т. Эдмунда Харви (1905 первое издание)
Original price was: $21.78.$13.06Current price is: $13.06.