
Антикварная пара резных деревянных религиозных статуэток 14 дюймов ручной работы

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Original price was: $222.22.Current price is: $133.33.

Состояние товара : Б/у

1616) Up for your consideration is this Antique Pair Of Handcarved Wooden Religious 14” Statues. Each each statue is in amazing condition considering their age. To me they look like that they are the artist interpretation of Jesus Christ. One is holding a chalice with the Eucharist above it and the other is dressed in a robe with a headpiece and his hands folded in prayer. The detail in both statues of far beyond what words can describe. Each one has a Metal eye on the back that was used to hang them on the wall. They have amazing vintage patina and definitely looks deliciously old with that coating of years that can’t be duplicated. Each one measures approximately 3“ x 3“ x 14“.Everything indicated in photographs. Thanks for taking a look!