
ВИНТАЖНОЕ ОТЛИЧНОЕ ХОРОШО СДЕЛАННОЕ посеребренное цельное сервировочное блюдо с чипсами/впадинами 13 дюймов

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Original price was: $26.31.Current price is: $15.78.

Pattern : American Victorian
Material : Silver Plate
Age : 1950's
Product : Serving Pieces
Composition : Silverplate
Brand : ONEIDA
Style : Victorian

EXCELLENT CONDITIION- rarely used, if at all. VINTAGE, HEAVYWEIGHT, beautifully made, SILVERPLATE ONE PIECE 13″ Chip/Dip/Shrimp/Sushi/Fruit- CENTER BOWL ATTACHED with liner(not attached, included) the possibilities are endless and your company will oooh and ahhh about your cooking and your enticing display of treats. Easy to keep- cover platter with thick plastic bag and close tightly and platter will stay clean until next use. QUALITY and beauty all in one, that will last a lifetime!